Why am I not getting pregnant when everything is “normal”?

The rates of infertility are rapidly increasing. It is estimated that 1 in 6 couples worldwide experience infertility. Many couples struggle to find the potential underlying cause of infertility. They are often left emotionally and financially bankrupt in the process. Depending on where you live the average cost of IVF can cost anywhere from $15,000-$30,000 for one single cycle. Unfortunately, IVF does not come with the guarantee of being able to conceive. It’s important to work with a holistic fertility specialist near Chantilly VA to have a better understanding of your optimal health.

Many couples do not realize that conceiving can be complicated depending on each partner’s specific health issues. It is important to understand there are many things that can be tested and treated that are often overlooked in the traditional med

Are Hormones the Whole Picture?

Most often emphasis is placed on reproductive hormones in the female, and that is where it ends. Male health is often overlooked and not tested.

Many women are left feeling that they are alone in the process and the success or failure is solely on them. This is not the case at all. It takes two to make a baby and both partners should be evaluated.

What about Stress?

One of the things I see most in my practice are couples who are trying to conceive but live in the space of burn out. If you are living in a high stress environment, due to emotional, health, or work issues to name a few, then that needs to be addressed.

Your body is wise, and it will intuitively make it harder to conceive if it perceives it is under attack. Chronic stress is the proverbial tiger screaming in your face. If you are being chased by a tiger, that is not the best time for the body to create or maintain a pregnancy. In your consultation with our holistic fertility specialist near Chantilly VA we will review your possible stressors and discuss ways to cope or reduce your stress.

Weight and Fertility

Weight is another challenge. Being overweight or underweight can affect your ability to conceive. The ideal BMI for getting pregnant is between 18.5 and 24.9. If you are below or above this, it is important to bring your BMI closer to a healthier range before you try to conceive.

Whole Body Evaluation

Anatomy is another consideration. Often there can be an issue with male and or female anatomy that should be checked prior to trying to conceive. For example, if the male has an undiagnosed varicocele, this may cause low sperm count which can lead to infertility. In a female if she has damage to a fallopian tube or suffers from PCOS this can lead to a problem with fertility. When you visit our holistic fertility specialist near Chantilly VA we do a comprehensive exam and testing to further evaluate you.

Hormone Imbalance

Irregular menstrual cycles in the female should be evaluated and addressed. Missed periods, anovulatory periods all should be regulated before conception.

Hormone imbalance needs to be evaluated as well. This is not limited to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. The thyroid plays an important role in fertility. Working with a doctor that understands the nuances of hormone dis-regulation is important. In addition, getting the appropriate testing matters as well.

Optimal Nutrition for Fertility

Diet is a very important and overlooked factor in fertility. Eating a clean non- processed food diet not only helps with fertility, but also helps decrease birth defects as well. It is also important to consider stop drinking caffeine or keep it below 200 milligrams a day.

Fertility is a complex process and all avenues should be explored when you are having challenges conceiving. This blog only touched on some of the ways to look at infertility. Keep an open mind and know that is hope and pracitioners that are here to help you along your journey.

Book a Consultation with a Holistic Fertility Specialist Near Chantilly VA

Each couple has a unique journey and using a one size fits all approach is not what is needed. A thoughtful approach and testing specific to each partner is needed. Dr. Jen with Blue Sky Health and Wellness has helped hundreds of women with pregnancy, infertility, autoimmune disorders, PCOS and other health issues all from a holistic perspective. Visit or call to book an appointment for a holistic fertility specialist near Chantilly VA.


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