3 Simple Ways to Help your body Detoxify

3 Simple Ways to Detox at Home

Do you want to do a “detox” but are not quite ready to make the commitment, or you don’t feel like you have the time to “do it the right way”?  Take a deep breath and know you can help your body enhance its detoxification processes without making any drastic changes. It is important to work with a Holistic Family practioner in Chantilly, VA that can support you with your detoxification needs.

Your body's Natural Rhythm

Our body has natural rhythms of detoxification that happen on a daily basis. Every day the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, intestines and lymphatic system are working hard to eliminate waste. We can help these systems work a bit more efficiently by adding some simple things to our daily routines.  Below are three easy ways to start.

Your body is made of Water

The adult human body is made up of 60-65% of water. Increasing our water consumption is a powerful way to help your body detoxify. Ideally, we should be drinking ½ our body weight in ounces of water. Yikes! This sounds like a lot water, especially if you rarely drink water or think of water only for washing 😊. Typically, people give up on adding water to their diet, because when you first start drinking more water, you also increase your frequency of urinating, which can be frustrating for many people.

As frustrating as this can be, just stick with it. Once your body gets used to getting the adequate amount of water, those bathroom trips with decrease. Drinking caffeinated beverages are dehydrating, adding more water to your daily allowance can help offset this imbalance. Drinking herbal tea, and mineral water are also ways to increase your water consumption. My recommendation would be to get yourself a BPA free or glass water bottle, this is an easy way to keep track of how much water you drink a day. The lymphatic system is the trash removal system of your body!

Brush your body

Daily lymphatic skin brushing  is a very powerful way to expedite this removal. The lymph contains white blood cells. White blood cells are an integral part of immune system, that keeps us protected from diseases. I recommend adding lymphatic body brushing daily. It takes around 5 minutes to brush your body from top to bottom. An easy way to add this to your routine would be to have a dry skin brush in your bathroom. Brush your body prior to taking a shower, and its done for the day! Here is a great video to show you how to skin brush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlhffxPbBO8

Dr. Jen of Blue Sky Health and Wellness, a Holistic Family practioner in Chantilly, VA can help you find safe and effective ways to help you detox. Contact us www.blueskyhealthandwellness.com to learn more. 


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