Melyssa J.
Have you been sick for a long time or just in general feel not great? Have you seen so many family doctors and received no answers? You begin to think what’s the point anymore and think to yourself I’ll just stop seeing doctors all together and hope for a miracle? Sound familiar? Then you need to go see Jen at Blue Sky Health and Wellness. She can help with a huge array of things. The point is a family doctor is so busy they do not have a one on one relationship with their patients. They have no time to really care for the individual and when you leave your family doctor that’s it he forgets about you. Jen on the other hand wants to get to the bottom of it. She doesnt just prescribe a medication that’s just gonna help calm down your symptoms. She will put you through a round of tests and scans and find the root of it all. Literally you can go see her for anything. She will figure it out and you will get answers. Please for your health and your family’s health go see Jen. Problems with energy, lyme disease, prenatal care, hormone issues, autoimmune disease, chiropractic therapy, general health and vitamins, diet, better life style, whatever it may be take the necessary steps to get better starting here. I promise you wont regret it.